Saturday, 19 May 2012


I'D LIKE TO CALL THIS FIGURES IN A LANDSCAPE, although having to use myself and one shot of Michael as the figures. Past experience has been that trying to add text to pictures is a time-consuming, frustrating business, takes 3-4 times longer that text and uploading pics separately, and I'm hoping to avoid this in some way I haven't devised as yet.

First pic. right, in no chronological order, is me at the far end of the promontory at Little Haven breathing it all in.

What I love about this part of Wales, which we return to again and again, is, the SPACE; the vastness of sky and sea with no-one to be seen. Walking, the two of us, and never a soul in sight - maybe the odd farmer patrolling his land who's glad to nod and exchange a few words, or some other lonely walker.

So this picture, right, is an example of a view from Saint Non's. I pointed the camera just as the sun caught a sliver of yellow green on the distant hill top, but before I could press the button the magical effect had disappeared. Nevertheless, the open sky felt too good to ignore.

The black cow beneath a small mountain is the typical Welsh breed of cattle. We met, presumable it owner, on the way across the fields where we noticed a group of standing stones lying flat, (not shown) in this field of cut hay. At the top of the field we could see the sea on the right and the same sea on the left.

Here I am gazing back at the same mountain.
And in the next picture, seconds later, sitting on same rock, but Michael has moved to take the shot from the front. The sea so bright that the camera can't cope with the dazzle and I seem to be blotted out by a cloud.
Either that or night has descended unexpectedly!

Two more. Facing both ways.
One I took of the sea inlet quay with boats at Porthclais looking inland, and the one below Micheal took looking seawards.

Typical scene in this west coast part of Wales; a plain farmhouse structure, but with windows which suggest it has also been used as a chaple.
Situalted in the same field as the standing stones and the cattle.

Something different. Faint distant view of oil refinery at Pembroke Docks beyond oyster beds near Dale, and looking the other way onto the inland brackish water lake. A flock of wild Brent? geese.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Such lovely scenery! Maybe one day, today it is a dream vacation!